Letters to the Editor, Nov. 24

Readers weigh in on holidays, city council and racism|

‘Tis the season

EDITOR: Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's, as tradition would have it: We begin with being thankful and giving. Then we go shopping and exchange gifts. Followed by the mass consumption of alcohol and resolutions.

Thanksgiving: I'm thankful and I'm gracious. I feel lucky every year. I'm grateful that I'm lucky. I love the food. I like to eat, sleep and eat some more.

Then I take a nap, and do it again.

Christmas has always been kind of a funny holiday. A candidate for Weight Watchers with a big red sack slides down a chimney. Setting gifts beneath a conifer. Consumes a glass of milk and cookies provided by children he doesn't know. Then disappears up a chimney as quickly as he came. Eight maids a-milking, to keep up with all those cookies baking. Cause and effect.

New Year's: What a wonderful idea, especially after last year. We really do need a new year. Last year is just dragging on, day after day, night after night. The year has become a bit wearing. Time for a new one and a resolution. To whom in this little snow globe of a world are we trying to prove that we are made out of gold? We are golden, proof is unnecessary, we have a universal right to be here.

New Year's resolutions are funny.

Promises you can't keep are funny.

You couldn't keep the one from the year before, and you probably won't keep it this year. That's funny. So I came up with the perfect New Year's resolution and here it is: "I promise to stop making resolutions I can't keep." We are stardust. Godspeed.

Eric Heine

Glen Ellen

Hate should not be tolerated

EDITOR: Recently my car was blocked in traffic by a racist who became enraged after seeing my brown face and braids in his mirror. He followed me for blocks, swerving dangerously as he flipped me off with a look of pure hate. My 82-year-old mother, who lived through segregation, the murder of Emmett Till, and the Civil Rights Movement, won’t cross the street on Highway 12 because of the trucks. And, now, Anna Bimenyimana, owner of Bon Marche thrift store, has been targeted twice by a racist in a truck with Trump flags, driving into the parking lot of her business to threaten and harass her and her husband, on Oct. 31 and Nov. 2.

This will not be tolerated. We will not have African and African-American people being targeted. We will not stand by while members of our community are harassed and threatened. I expect a full investigation of this individual by law enforcement. I urge people to report these trucks and their drivers. Black Lives Matter also means standing up for those of us who are living in this community. To the misguided individuals responsible for this reprehensible behavior--have a hard look in the mirror, and ask yourself how you came to be filled with such hatred. Ms. Bimenyimana has shown nothing but kindness to this community, provided free coats to fire victims, opened her doors to all, provided jobs, utilized profits for economic justice. And even if she did none of those things, she still has a right to exist without being subjected to hate. Take several seats.

Dmitra Smith

Sonoma Valley

Outraged at Hundley

EDITOR: David Cook has not been found guilty yet and it is wrong for Councilmembers Rachel Hundley and Logan Harvey to ask for him to step down early in disgrace (“Sonoma Councilman David Cook Arrested,” Oct. 30).

Rachel Hundley is the dishonest politician. She had to recuse herself last month after it was exposed that her husband had backroom dealings with Erich Pearson’s Sparc dispensary. No one even writes about that in-your-face corruption.

Someone should dig into the story behind Rachel’s husband who is highly involved in cannabis politics and business. He went after Measure Y so they can protect the council’s power to pick the monopoly operator. Rachel Hundley is as crooked as it gets.

This is a huge story and Hundley loves to hide behind David Cook’s problems. Hundley should be investigated and forced to step down from her office. Amy Harrington and Cook voted against Sparc after Hundley was exposed as being conflicted by her husband’s dealings with the Sparc group.

There was one story in Sonoma Index-Tribune (“Buzz Kill: Council Walks Back on Sparc Dispensary,” Oct. 8) and then no follow up, etc. Where is the outrage?

This needs to be exposed more than David Cook.

John David


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