Sonoma’s Best deli sold

The Jenkins are extremely pleased and comfortable with the new owners, Stacey and Kenneth Mattson.|

The sale of Sonoma’s Best was completed on Wednesday, much to the delight of owners Tom and Gayle Jenkins, who have hosted one of Sonoma Valley’s most delightful venues for coffee, wine, deli foods and much more beauty for so long. Even Lady Gaga and author Elizabeth Gilbert have stopped in for a bite.

The Jenkins are extremely pleased and comfortable with the new owners, Stacey and Kenneth Mattson, who have bought a home here as well as several other local properties including the former Lanning Structures building, longer known as Little Peter’s Melody Club. Felice Torri’s father, Pete Mancuso, presided over this popular center of good cocktails, steaks and salads for many years while he also ran a North Bay produce distribution business.

Apparently the Mattsons have also purchased the Boyes Springs Market (yellow with turquoise trim) and the property at Moon Mountain Road and Highway 12 where two incomplete houses were torn down.

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